Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Assignment Eleven

OK first can someone tell me how the Fibonacci Sequence works in Tjanting? I couldn't figure it out for the life of me. I'm not the best as seeing numerical patterns in words; it hurts my brain.

Actually this who concept hurts my brain. I just can't wrap my mind around someone using patterns to confuse things. Patterns organize, compartmentalize and simplify things. Or at least that's what patterns have done for me. Maybe I don't understand what Kasey was saying, which is very probable.

For the actual creative part of the assignment I decided to write a poem consisting of 19 lines with 8 or 9 letter per line about my life so far. If you can't guess I am 19 so that's why I choose the number, similar to Lyn Hejinian's style in her own book. Its A LOT harder than it seems, I had to take some liberties to make it work.

Continuing Traveling

Born Richmond Virgina.
Then to Clemson where I
Lived for eight years.
Mom returned to college in
Eugene OR my dad, one bro,
and I followed later. I a
kid forced to move again.
Another home in Eugene.
Another school to go to.
Then high school private
and Catholic, Four year
of torture and hell. And
then nightmare come al-
ive. One brother died. Tw-
o days after my 19 b-day. A
needle pierced my ear t-
he same time one enters
His arm. High school end.
Now college commences.

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